09 September 2024

Sandstone Point

Scrapping some more pages for my "22 Weekends" album ~

This page was inspired by the Soul Scrappers September Screen 2 Scrap challenge, featuring this amazing movie poster:

I used the criteria -

* Use the poster colours {Bright pinks and purples from the bouganvillea}
* Add flowers {Floral patterned paper and punched flowers}
* Photo/s with people only

I haven't seen this movie; time to seek it out.

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And another one, using lots of colour and patterned papers ~

I'm sharing this page at Scrap Challenge Yourself ~ Use lots of patterned paper

Thank you for visiting my blog!


  1. Hi Karen. Wow, you have been busy! I love both of your beautiful pages, but I especially like the one you made for Challenge YOUrself, with all of the patterned paper. It's absolutely gorgeous. And that photo of the 2 of you is so special. Thank you very much for joining us at Challenge YOUrself this month. YAY!

  2. Very cute. Thanks for playing along at CY.

  3. How lovely and vibrant! Thank you for playing along with us at Challenge YOUrself!


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