17 July 2024

Outback travel album

Adding a few more pages to my 2021 Outback travel album ~

Middleton ~

I'm sharing this page at:

* Park Hopping Happy Place ~ July challenge
I followed the WATER theme. In outback Queensland, muddy waterholes look nothing like the sparkling, chlorine-filled theme park pools in the inspiration photo, but, there you have it.

* Simon Says Monday ~ Lots of layers
I used layers of torn papers, and added more layers with the die cut leaves.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Cunnamulla ~

This page was inspired by the Soul Scrappers July mood board, with the required two photographs, and using the provided colour palette {green/white/blues}. I started building my layout with the green base paper from Simple Stories {Let's Go ~ Let's Be Tourists} and added layers of blue scraps and matching embellishments. The chipboard alphabets are from a very old Cosmo Cricket set.

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