My scrap-mojo needs a serious kickstart, so Passion for Fashion 2011 at Scrap Boutique couldn't have come at a better time for me:
Week 1 was all about 'Haute Couture'. I know next to nothing about high fashion, but what's fabulous about the challenge is that the criteria can be interpretted however you like!
My layout:
My take on the criteria:
Colours - Unusual and rare
Orange, yellow and terracotta - unusual and rarely to everyone's taste, I'm sure, but it worked for me :D
Lines - Unusually layered, fitted to suit, very specific individual taste
I have five layers, not counting the photograph or the base cardstock. The mix of patterns are individual to my eclectic taste.
Textures - Unusual and rare
I used a mesh bag that came with my lemons! Other textures are the tulle, damask and felt letters. Rare? Well, the damask swatch is from a Junkitz collection and since the company went bankrupt a few years back it's pretty rare now, LOL!
Effect - One-of-a-kind, very unique
Not sure if I achieved this?
Needs of customer - Custom-made, designer's originals
I made my own custom background by ModPodging the glittered tulle to the cardstock.
Favourite Accessory - Coordinated, matching and custom made pieces
The flowers are custom made by me from the same tulle as the background.
The flowers are my favourite part - I had fun making them and deciding how I would use them on the page:
I think I covered all of the criteria except for "expensive" - but I did invest a lot of time in the layout and I do have lots of gold flecks in the tulle!
And most importantly I had a lot of fun with it, used up some more older stash, and got another photograph onto the page.