
03 February 2008

She Goes Whoosh

This is a layout I did for the 'Sharing the Love' cybercrop at Scrap Therapy:

Challenge criteria: Use predominately red and pink

I de-saturated the photo to get rid of all the blues... and ended up with a red swimming costume too :) Total serendipity, LOL. And still on track with my personal challenge to myself to use up my old stash... some Junkitz papers and some little scraps of Chatterbox as well on the chipboard flowers.


  1. very nice, love the photo too

  2. Wow you must have a great stash - love the layout and the photo!

  3. the photo is great Karen and so is the layout.

  4. This is gorgeous! I love the red with the b&w photo, such a great effect.


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